Ineffective Gathering And Leveraging Customer Data

Customer and property data is the root of digital success for your Small to Medium Sized Business. There’s more to the tree than the root, to be sure. Still, whether it’s Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, or Uber, digital success stories have the effective gathering, storing, and leveraging of data at the core. TODAY, many SMB companies have siloed systems containing various scraps of data about customer interactions but no clear way to pull them together. Others have petabytes of data centralised in an information warehouse that they may use for reporting—being unaware of what to do with all that data in a manner that provides value to the customer.

When you take a simplistic approach to creating value at the outset, you are in an excellent position to start looking at more complex pockets of data and considering how some of that customer and property data might enable you to enhance the experience further how link it in.
