Hi, I’m Matthew T
Investor And Digital Transformation Leader Taking Small To Medium Sized Businesses To The Next Level Without Fear Of Where Their Next Customers Will Come From Or Economic Uncertainty.

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Message Me Directly, To Learn How I Can Take Your Business To The Next Level

Easily Without Struggle By Transforming The Future Of SMBs Using Digital Technologies, Innovation and Marketing (If You Don’t Want To Be Left Behind). I’ll Be Your Guide Because A Massive Journey Starts With A Few Small Steps.

If you answered Yes to these, you need to invest in your business’s future and build a competitive edge with Digital Transformation using digital technologies that will help you boost your results.

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Finally! A Quick And Easy Way To Start Your Digital Transformation Journey Without Trial & Error And Years Of Hurdles!

You probably know how frustrating it is to be in the same place for years without real growth. Or to have some innovative ideas but no idea where to start and how to do it. 

Do you want to CHANGE it and GROW? Many Small to Medium Sized Businesses wastes many adopting their valuable time using old-fashioned strategies, which will bring no growth. 

They’ll also be left wondering why their competition is getting more market share than digital transformation. Ironically, the youngest vertical of the technology industry is snowballing to serve one of the oldest industries.

How Can You Add Value To You Customers With Digital Transformation Strategy Using Digital Technology 

Digital Transformation reflects the realisation that the customer experience needs to be at the heart of all SMBs. Digital Transformation uses digital technologies to create new (or modify existing) business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. Digital Transformation is shifting the balance of power in SMBs. It has two philosophies:

  1. Digital Transformation is a broader part of the digital transformation strategy of the small business industry.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Digital Transformation?

Executives say the top benefits of digital transformation are improved operational efficiency (40%), faster time to market (36%), and the ability to meet customer expectations (35%). High-tech B2B companies have reported a 10% to 20% cost reduction and revenue growth of 10% to 15% from transforming their customer experience processes.

Digital Transformation is available to everyone who wants to grow their Small to Medium Sized Business exponentially.

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of CEOs say digital improvements have led to increased revenue.

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is how much more profitable digitally mature companies are than their less mature peers.

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of business buyers say they’ll pay more for a better B2B experience.

Here’s A Brief Outline Of What We’ll
Cover In Your Free Consultation

85-90% of small businesses are at risk of being left behind because business owners fear change to digital transformation, essential for survival. On the other hand, 10-15% of business owners love digital transformation strategies, and the rest can be helped. Don’t be a statistic; embrace digital transformation. I will help you step by step.

Are you trying digital transformations by going trial & error way? I’ll show you why this is a HUGE mistake and how it leaves you open to digital transformation failure. I’ll reveal bullet-proof strategies to help our SMB clients go through Digital Transformation and grow exponentially.

One of the first steps toward digital transformation is to organise your data. You need to stop guessing things about your customers. You need to stop wasting money on marketing programs that don’t work. And you need to take control of your future with digital transformation and digital technologies. Nearly every SMB owner looking to start their Digital Transformation makes these common yet fatal mistakes – find out what they are so you can avoid them.

You will discover why small businesses should never settle for outdated technology because it’s a killer of digital transformations! I’ll share many old wives’ tales and dirty lies told by the SMB industry about digital transformation that many are adopting SMB owners still believe, holding them back from digital transformations.

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Top 5 Challenges Facing SMBs & Digital Transformation Market

Business Resistance To Change
From experience, my guesstimate is that perhaps 10-15% of SMB professionals and businesses many love change and emerging technologies. They are excited by continually having new challenges to tackle and new things to learn. But for the other 85-90%, difference equals pain.

From experience, my guesstimate is that perhaps 10-15% of SMB professionals and businesses many love change and emerging technologies. They are excited by continually having new challenges to tackle and new things to learn. But for the other 85-90%, difference equals pain. Digital transformation, by its very nature, upsets a lot of apple carts. However, the truth is that in times of business innovation, not changing your SMB strategy is far riskier than doing nothing. It just doesn’t always feel that way.

Resistance to change manifests itself in a myriad of ways. Kodak invented the digital camera, but the internal resistance to change led the company to bury the ideas because it threatened its legacy film business. Imagine what Kodak could have been had it done what Bell Atlantic did when it realised how bleak the future of landlines looked — it became Verizon, which is now a dominant figure in the broadband, wireless and cable television industries. Did mobile phones decimate the landline business? Yep. But Bell Atlantic “protected” itself by accepting that change was on the horizon and transformed by making the difficult decisions required to adapt to that change.

Lack Of A Clear Vision For A Digital Customer Journey
Small to Medium-Sized Businesses that succeed in creating a digital business and customer value proposition doesn’t get there by accident. They develop a clear vision of how they will meet their customers’ digital needs, set objectives against that vision, and execute – often over multiple years.
Small to Medium-Sized Businesses that succeed in creating a digital business and customer value proposition doesn’t get there by accident. They develop a clear vision of how they will meet their customers’ digital needs, set objectives against that vision, and execute – often over multiple years. Often, SMBs that are not succeeding haven’t painted a clear picture of what they want – or need – to be when they digitally “grow up.” While clarifying this vision doesn’t get you there by itself, it’s only one of many steps. Not having a vision is like going on a road trip without a destination. It’s always possible you could stumble into something great, but probably not.
Ineffective Gathering And Leveraging Customer Data

Customer and property data is the root of digital success for your Small to Medium Sized Business. There’s more to the tree than the root, to be sure. Still, whether it’s Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, or Uber, digital success stories have the effective gathering, storing, and leveraging of data at the core.

Customer and property data is the root of digital success for your Small to Medium Sized Business. There’s more to the tree than the root, to be sure. Still, whether it’s Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, or Uber, digital success stories have the effective gathering, storing, and leveraging of data at the core. TODAY, many SMB companies have siloed systems containing various scraps of data about customer interactions but no clear way to pull them together. Others have petabytes of data centralised in an information warehouse that they may use for reporting—being unaware of what to do with all that data in a manner that provides value to the customer.

When you take a simplistic approach to creating value at the outset, you are in an excellent position to start looking at more complex pockets of data and considering how some of that customer and property data might enable you to enhance the experience further how link it in.

Inflexible Technology Stack And Development Processes

Successful digital experiences get achieved through iteration. Successful digital properties almost always iterate to success via the “test and learn” approach–where new features are being regularly added, measured, Adjusted, and pruned based on the feedback of your SMB clients and usage data.

Successful digital experiences get achieved through iteration. Successful digital properties almost always iterate to success via the “test and learn” approach–where new features are being regularly added, measured, Adjusted, and pruned based on the feedback of your SMB clients and usage data. However, it is impossible to take this approach if your development process involves quarterly release cycles. Leveraging agile business processes and technologies that support frequent, if not continuous, integration and product releases are critical behaviours that lead to effective digital results.

Additionally, part of the iteration process involves adjusting workflows, business rules, content presentation, and (potentially) leveraging data and systems differently than initially envisioned or built. Companies trying to develop flexible and elegant digital experiences on top of outdated technology stacks are tilting at windmills. You don’t necessarily have to discard the mainframe. Modern enterprises must make their data read/write access via robust and secure APIs and provide access to their business logic in a way that’s independent of presentation layers. If your core systems were more than five years ago, they probably need major refactoring to support effective digital execution.

Married To A Legacy Business Model

Lastly, real success in digital for SMB companies is rarely about providing the same products and services, just through a digital pipe. Netflix shifted from DVDs to streaming. Uber created the world’s largest car service without buying any vehicles or hiring drivers. Similarly, eBay and Alibaba made the world’s biggest retail channels without purchasing any inventory.

Lastly, real success in digital for SMB companies is rarely about providing the same products and services, just through a digital pipe. Netflix shifted from DVDs to streaming. Uber created the world’s largest car service without buying any vehicles or hiring drivers. Similarly, eBay and Alibaba made the world’s biggest retail channels without purchasing any inventory.

SMB companies that successfully “cross the chasm” of digital effectiveness often discover they need to provide what they used to charge for FREE or sell as a subscription what used to be “a la carte”,

Then monetise via advertising things to generate income streams in other ways, and rethink how they derive revenue from the value that they create.

Small to Medium-Sized Businesses that flexibly can often find that adopting a digital strategy offers more scale, revenue, and profit than the legacy approach, but it takes experimentation, an assumption of risk, and – to be blunt – some failure along the way. In today’s age, business transformation is the fastest way to grow.

Digital Transformation Disruption Elements and Framework You Need To Consider When Starting Your Business Transformation

My Digital Transformation disruption framework embraces three main enablers. To be truly disruptive and scale, you must consider the three views parallel. The business and commercial views directly enable the innovation of your Digital Transformation technology journey and vice versa. 

Innovation that can’t be scaled commercially is merely an improvisation.”





Technology View


The Internet of thing

(IoT)- The Internet of things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.



(Wb)- Wearables are smart electronic devices worn close to and on the surface of the skin, where they detect, analyze, and transmit information concerning, e.g., body signals such as vital signs and ambient data and which allow in some cases immediate biofeedback to the wearer.


(Sn)- Sensor are a device, module, machine, or subsystem whose purpose is to detect events or changes in its environment and send it to other electronics


New Frontier, New business
(Nf) – Ability to open up a new frontier, new business.


Cognitive Analysis

(Ca)- Cognitive Analysis is the study of what people know, how they think, how they organize and structure information, and how we learn when pursuing an outcome they are trying to achieve.


Machine Learning
(Ml)- Machine Learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. Also known as a subset of artificial intelligence.


Artificial Inteligence
(Ai)- Artificial Intelligence is sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals.


(Al)- Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. Send for the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data.


Big Data
(Bd)- Big Data is a field that treats ways to analyze, systematically extract information from, or deal with data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software.


New Business Models
(Nm) – Ability to adopt/imbibe/invent new business models.


(Bcn)- Beacon is an intentionally conspicuous device designed to attract attention to a specific location.


Software-defined networking
(Sdn)- Software-defined networking (SDN) technology is an approach to network management that enables dynamic, programmatically efficient network configuration to improve network performance and monitoring, making it more like cloud computing than traditional network management.


(Vt)- Voice over Long-Term (VoLTE) Evolution is a standard high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminals, including the Internet of things devices and wearables.


Hotspot 2.0
(H2)- Hotspot 2.0 is a new wireless standard designed to make it easier and more secure to connect to public Wi-Fi hotspots.


(Mb)- Mobility enables your business to move freely and easily by utilizing mobile apps physically; It’s imperative to design your business to run on mobile devices such as a phone, tablet, or watch.


Bottom Line Improvement
(Bl)- Bottom line improvement


Immersive computing
(Im) Immersive computing is a new term used to describe applications that provide an immersive experience for the user.


3D Printing
(3d)- 3D Printing in the construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model.


Virtual & Augmented reality
(V/AR)- Virtual and Augmented reality is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world.


Think Around Customers
(Ta)- Ability to think around customers.


(Cb- Collaborations is the process of two or more people or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal.


(Cs)- Crowdsourcing is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas, voting, micro-tasks, and finances, from a large, relatively open, and often rapidly evolving group of participants.


Social media
(Sm)- Social media is interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.


Subscription-based Technology
(Sb)- All technology subscription-based.


(Bt)- Bots are software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet. Typically, bots perform tasks that are simple and repetitive, much faster than a person could.


Workflow Automation
(Wa)- Workflow Automation consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of activity, enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information.


Robotic Process Automation
(RPA)- Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a form of business process automation technology based on metaphorical software robots or artificial intelligence/digital workers.


Little/No CAPEX on technology
(Cp)- Little/No CAPEX on technology.



(Dr)- Drones are flying robots that can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in conjunction with onboard sensors and GPS.


Machine to machine
(M2m)- Machine to machine (M2M) is direct communication between devices using any communications channel, including wired and wireless.


Outcome-based/no T&M
(Ob)- Outcome-based/no T&M.


Document Digitization
(Dz)- Document Digitization optimizes and considerably increases the efficiency of working with them. Documents converted into electronic form can be archived, retrieved, and shared with other users readily, safely, and at minimum.


(Bc)- Blockchain is a Bitcoin block explorer service: a cryptocurrency wallet, and a cryptocurrency exchange supporting Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum.


Everything As A Service.
(As)- Everything “As A Service.
Business View
Commercial View

Digital Transformation Is More Than A Buzzword; The Engine That Will Help You SCALE Your Business

You’ve spent your valuable time and resources building a business. Now that you’re profitable, what do you want to achieve next? 

Whether you’re looking to stay in your business for the long term or sell it for the highest price possible, scaling is the only way to achieve your goals. 

Scaling is the secret sauce to either take your business to new heights or prepare it to hand over to new owners.

Digital Transformation is the technology used to transform how we think about growing our businesses into more digital companies.

If your ideal outcome requires a scaled-up company, you need digital transformation, and you’ll want to do it in the most efficient way possible. Before you scale your business, you need to ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why do you want to scale a business, and what do you want your life to look like?
  2. Can you achieve what you want in life and business without scaling?

My STAY SCALE SELL Canvas is an essential tool to help you achieve digital transformation to become more efficient and prepare your business for the changes that are yet to come.

How Matthew Barton Is Taking Small to Medium Sized Business (SMBs) To The Next Level and Building The Future Of Property With Digital Transformation

Why waste years struggling alone, trial & error, and figuring out how to start your Digital Transformation? You will only cost yourself money and valuable time you won’t get back. 

You can save this time and get magnificent results 3X faster when you message me today. It’s the best shortcut I’m giving you with this bonus Top Tip “The foundation of any successful Digital Transformation innovation is quality data and analytics.” 

What will happen if you want to avoid Digital Transformation?

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of consumers won’t return to a mobile site that had trouble accessing.

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of consumers end up visiting a competitor’s website if they have trouble accessing a company’s mobile site.

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of customers would stop interacting with a brand they loved after one bad experience.

And Here’s My Portfolio Of SMBs Investor Tools And Services I've Been Creating On My Digital Transformation Journey

1. Global Citizens (Under Construction)

What is it? Real Estate Opportunity Portal provides an easy way to transact High Equity Real Estate deals, no matter how much you have to invest.

Technologies used:
Blockchain, Big Data, and Analytics, Robotic Process Automation. Buyer Behaviour Machine Learning.

2. LandScouts

What is it? Automated Real Estate acquisition system with seller statistics, analytics, and identifies opportunity zones.

Technologies used:

Big Data and Analytics, Machine Learning, Automatic Valuation Models and Algorithms, Robotic Process Automation, Documentation Digitization. Marketing Automation.

3. Supercharged Offers

What is it? Flipping Legacy Business Models with a Data To Door Online and Offline Marketing System provides predictable and repeatable results.

Technologies used:
Big Data and Analytics, Robotic Process Automation, Documentation Digitization. Marketing Automation, Digitizing Offline Marketing Models.

4. Neighbor Letters

What is it? A Data To Door selling system of properties without calling anyone or doing anything.

Technologies used:
Big Data and Analytic, DaaS (Data as a Service), Robotic Process Automation, Digitizing Offline Marketing Models.

1. Global Citizens (Under Construction)

What is it? Real Estate Opportunity Portal provides an easy way to transact High Equity Real Estate deals, no matter how much you have to invest.

Technologies used:
Blockchain, Big Data, and Analytics, Robotic Process Automation. Buyer Behaviour Machine Learning.

2. LandScouts

What is it? Automated Real Estate acquisition system with seller statistics, analytics, and identifies opportunity zones.

Technologies used:

Big Data and Analytics, Machine Learning, Automatic Valuation Models and Algorithms, Robotic Process Automation, Documentation Digitization. Marketing Automation.

3. Supercharged Offers

What is it? Flipping Legacy Business Models with a Data To Door Online and Offline Marketing System provides predictable and repeatable results.

Technologies used:
Big Data and Analytics, Robotic Process Automation, Documentation Digitization. Marketing Automation, Digitizing Offline Marketing Models.

4. Neighbor Letters

What is it? A Data To Door selling system of properties without calling anyone or doing anything.

Technologies used:
Big Data and Analytic, DaaS (Data as a Service), Robotic Process Automation, Digitizing Offline Marketing Models.

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Do NOT Start A Digital Transformation Without Messaging Me First

All in all, it’s pretty straightforward. It begins with realising that digital transformation is real and inevitable and will happen with or without industry professionals. There’s no reason to fear change, though; all you need to do is embrace digital transformation and keep working with your clients – and I can help you with that step by step.

If you want to learn more about Digital Transformation in the shortest time possible so you can have a more significant piece of the cake and grow your business without years of struggle and spending a fortune? Then there’s no better way to start than sending me a WhatsApp message, so I can get in touch with you and give you all the information and answer all your questions.

BONUS FOR MESSAGING ME TODAY: You will also get a glimpse into how mobile technology has advanced and can deliver greater customer engagement and conversion.

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