Inflexible Technology Stack And Development Processes

Successful digital experiences get achieved through iteration. Successful digital properties almost always iterate to success via the “test and learn” approach–where new features are being regularly added, measured, Adjusted, and pruned based on the feedback of your SMB clients and usage data. However, it is impossible to take this approach if your development process involves quarterly release cycles. Leveraging agile business processes and technologies that support frequent, if not continuous, integration and product releases are critical behaviours that lead to effective digital results.

Additionally, part of the iteration process involves adjusting workflows, business rules, content presentation, and (potentially) leveraging data and systems differently than initially envisioned or built. Companies trying to develop flexible and elegant digital experiences on top of outdated technology stacks are tilting at windmills. You don’t necessarily have to discard the mainframe. Modern enterprises must make their data read/write access via robust and secure APIs and provide access to their business logic in a way that’s independent of presentation layers. If your core systems were more than five years ago, they probably need major refactoring to support effective digital execution.
